Small Wall: Geometry In Nature

The exhibit can be viewed online (above) or in-person:

Please, review our COVID Policy before visiting, precautions in effect for all visitors.


Saturday, March 18th, 2023 – Wednesday, April 12th, 2023

Small Wall:

Rosalie Robison

I had to stop playing with fire. Had to find another outlet for my creativity. And sometimes life changes so fast you miss it. One day a Librarian, the next day an artist. After a permanent back injury ended my library life, I began painting again. Call it art therapy or the best excuse to be creative, yet it helped me deal with mental and physical pain, a 5 year recovery.

I began working with watercolors, a preferred choice after oils and acrylics. My perspective is often an ‘outsider looking in’ as a peer described me. I explore opposites, nature/botanicals, geometrics, and social issues, often with a whimsical or humorous bend. Pure watercolor paintings moved to mixed media, collage and handprints. When framed 2-D pictures screamed new life, I delved into 3-D sculptures, wall hangings and dioramas. Recycled, found and manmade materials enter into these creations. Recently, I began working with fabric collages. Not knowing when a new direction will capture me, I leave the door open to possibilities. Art is, after all, a journey and new insights or views can show up at any turn in the road. So I go with that.

I’ve had solo and group shows, received awards, worked on commission pieces, give watercolor lessons and await another direction. My artwork is for sale. I post art on


ArtTyler RobertsArt, Exhibit