COVID Policy

Last updated: March 6th, 2023


We are excited to have guests return to our center and we are dedicated to making all visits as safe and enjoyable as possible. Please carefully read our policy and return to this page frequently for updates.

Events, Programs & Performances

Total capacity shall not exceed 35

  • Masks are recommended and encouraged for all attendees.

  • Please keep in mind, event and program cancellations will be on a case by case basis. Check our website frequently for updates!

  1. Wear a Mask and Use Hand Sanitizer - Staff and visitors are encouraged to wear masks while at the Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts. Disposable masks may be available for a donation of $1 for those who are not prepared. Hand sanitizer is available for your use.

  2. Keep a Safe Physical Distance - A distance of at least six (6) feet indoors between individuals not in the same household is needed for safety. Seating will be limited and designed to accommodate social distancing.

  3. Restroom use - Our facility has a single restroom with limited space which should be used by one individual at a time.

  4. Surface cleaning - Sanitizing wipes and cleaning materials are available at the facility. Please clean surfaces (tables, doors, faucets) during use at your event to ensure safety for all attendees.

  5. Be Careful, Be Kind - Please be kind to our staff and each other, respecting our rules and facility. We are here to share in and celebrate community arts while looking out for the health and safety of all.

COVID can be extremely contagious and these precautions, designed to minimize your risk of contracting it, are not a guarantee of your safety.