For the first time Seed Sounds will be sharing the evening with a most interesting guest band, Adam Nussbaum's Lead Belly Project from NYC. The two groups will offer quite different kinds of experimental music. The Lead Belly Project is inspired by the music of the great folk singer and blues artist Huddie Ledbetter, better known as Lead Belly. Each of the project's members are well-respected, creative musicians: Nussbaum on drums, Ohad Talmor, tenor saxophone, Steve Cardenas, guitar, and Nate Radley, guitar.
Seed Sounds #49 will open, with guests Chet Garrett, guitar, electronics, and singing bowls, along with Gabriel Hammer, drums and keyboards, two inventive explorers of new music.
Unfortunately, Seed Sounds violinist Linda Binder will not be available this month, but Paul Westfahl will be back with drums and percussion, along with Rick Ollman, reeds, brass, and guitar.
Note later time than usual - 8 - 10pm.