YAYA KAMBAYE AND FRIENDS will be joining SONIC HARVEST (that’s JAHMES FINLAYSON and Steve Tilton depicted in fruits and vegetables en estilo de Archimbaldo) in concert at the Jazz Gallery, 926 E. Center St. Saturday, January 12th at 8:00 pm. YAYA, originally from Dakar, Senegal, will be joined by his brother ABDOU on Kora (African stringed instrument,) Djembe and other traditional instruments. They will be joined by Milwaukee Symphony phenom GLEN ASCH and LAURIE ASCH on violins. YA YA and ABDOU come from a long line of griots, musician-storytellers working in the oral tradition.
GLEN and LAURIE will be collaborating with SONIC HARVEST on some of their original tunes.
Additionally, the talented painter, TOM SMITH, will be creating original works of art inspired by the music. The imaginative and colorful Sonic Harvest double portrait is the creation of Claire Hitchcock Tilton.
There is a rumor that a Rock Star Chef will be providing some savory Senegalese sustenance as well for our guests, to complete a total sensory experience, sonic, visual, and gastronomic.
Sonic Harvest